Monday, May 26, 2014

Uncle Marvin and Aunt Sandy + Sunday Recap

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Yesterday, Evan had his second day of the kid pitch tournament.  We had to be at the fields at 7:30 so we had to leave at 6:30am.  I got up at 5:45 to get things ready.

In the first game, Evan's team did great.  They went into the bottom of the last inning up by one but ended up losing.  In the first inning, Evan doubled with a shot down the right field line.  The team remembered that and put someone on the line the second time Evan came up and Evan did it again except it went right to the first baseman.  In the second game, the team didn't pitch as well and ended up losing.  In the first inning, the other team used a pitcher that was a flamethrower.  As I watched him warm up, I was amazed at how hard he threw.  Darius batted first and struck out swinging.  Darius never strikes out.  Then Evan came up.  Evan rarely even swings and misses at a pitch.  The first pitch was a called strike on the outside corner.  I don't think Evan agreed with the call because he turned back toward the umpire with a look on his face like "Are you serious?"  The second pitch was a ball.  The third pitch Evan checked his swing but the umpire called strike.  Then the third pitch Evan swung and missed.  He was pretty upset about striking out but you know, he's not going to go through life never striking out.  All in all, Evan ended his first kid pitch tournament 3 for 7 with two singles and a double.  Considering we were playing teams that had been pitching for at least a year, I am impressed with what he was able to do.

When we got home, we watched Men in Black.  Then Blanca came over and Rachel and I went to a place called Mai Thai for dinner our anniversary dinner downtown.  We had frozen yogurt for dinner.

This morning, Rachel and I slept in.  It was raining all morning long and well into the afternoon.  We decided we'd do nothing today.  It had been such a busy weekend.

In the late afternoon, Uncle Marvin and Aunt Sandy came over.  They finally sold their house in Wyoming after 7 years of being on the market.  They are looking for a house here in Austin to move to.  We went to Carino's for dinner.

Now the boys are about to get ready for bed.

Until next time...

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