Monday, May 19, 2014

Getting Ready

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

This morning we walked to school.  Temperature-wise it was nice but it was fairly humid.

I ran out around lunch and met Aaron at his office for a bit and then stopped at Smoothie King on the way home.

I walked to pick up the boys.  Evan wanted to show he was strong and tough and carried both his and Noah's backpacks home.

Rachel came home from tutoring and we heated up leftovers for dinner.  She needs to pack and get ready to go to Dallas tomorrow.

Evan and I went to HEB after dinner.  We needed to get ready for the end-of-season party we're having for his baseball team at our house tomorrow night.  We bought sodas, hot dogs, and ground beef.

The boys are now in their rooms.

Until next time...

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