Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day at Top Golf

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

The boys and I tried to be quiet this morning so Rachel could sleep in.  The boys were very good about that.  When Rachel got up she said she wanted to go to Top Golf for Mother's Day.  Top Golf is essentially a fancy driving range where each bay has a table where they serve a full meal.  But instead of just hitting the ball as far as you can go, there are various targets around that award you points the closer that you get the ball to the center of the various targets.  There are sensors in the ball so all the scoring is electronic.

It was an hour wait at Top Golf but they had a pool table that was free.  The boys played that during the wait.  We ordered an appetizer and sat at a small table until our main bay/table was ready.

Rachel started out hitting the ball well, but then Evan started crushing the ball.  He figured out his swing (though he was stepping into the ball like baseball) and he was hitting the ball perfectly straight.  He hit one 134 yards.  The final score was: Evan - 75, Morry - 45, Rachel - 41, Noah 18.  It was funny watching how competitive Evan was.  He was determined to win the game.

We came home and took it easy for a bit.

Then at 5pm, Evan had Marauders practice.  He played very well today.  His fielding, recently, hasn't been as good but today he stepped it up.  He fielded well and threw the ball well.

On the way home, we met Rachel and Noah at TCBY.  The Pirates game was on there and Evan was excited to watch it.

We came home and put the boys to bed.

Until next time...

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