Saturday, May 10, 2014

Tough Day at the Ball Fields

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Baseball didn't start today until around noon so we took it fairly easy in the morning.  I had to run out to pick up the jerseys for the Marauders.  Evan played hockey in the cul-de-sac with Nathan, but Rachel and Noah stayed here.

Around noon, Noah and I drove to the fields for the last game of the regular season.  The team has been playing really well.  So I was ready for a good game.  The top of the first didn't disappoint.  We got three out after only giving up two runs.  The leadoff batter hit a ball that rolled to the fence for a triple.  The next batter got on as did the third batter.  The fourth batter is where we had trouble.  He hit a line drive to the pitcher who managed to catch it in the air (the first time that has happened this season).  The runner on second did not get back in time and suddenly we had a man on first with two outs.  Keep in mind in the last 6 or 7 games we've only run into about 4 or 5 outs.  The next batter was our slowest batter.  Even though I pointed him away from the pitcher, he still managed to ground to the pitcher who threw to first for three outs.  So the score of the tee ball game after one was 2-1.  The other team got three outs in every inning including another double play that was almost exactly like the first one.  This time, though, Noah was the runner on first and he never heard us yelling to get back.  We got a ton of outs in the game but unfortunately, the lack of runs really hurt us and we lost.

After the game, we went to Austin Pizza Garden with several families from Noah's team.  It was a nice time.

From there we went back to the fields for Evan's game.  Evan's team seems to be playing worse and worse.  Evan wound up with two doubles and a single but many of the other kids just weren't hitting.  The other team was also fairly strong defensively.

We came home and the boys ate, showered and are upstairs in their rooms.

Until next time...

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