Saturday, May 31, 2014

Marauders Tournament #2: Day 1

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

The Marauders were in their second tournament of the spring/summer season today.  Our first game was not until 1pm followed by a 2:15 game.  We had to be at the fields by noon.  So we did nothing in the morning.  I put a movie on for the boys.  I just wanted them to relax.  Noah actually slept in until after 9am.

The tournament was at the Oak Hill fields where Evan plays during the regular season.  Because of that, when we pulled in, we saw quite a few people we knew.

In the first game, the Marauders came out very slow - especially hitting.  Well everyone not named Evan.  Evan batted second in the game and crushed a line drive to right.  It wound up a single as the outfielder kept it from going to the fence.  The second time Evan came up he had another hard hit line drive to the outfield for another single.  That kicked off a major rally and the team scored 7 runs to take the lead.  In the bottom half of the inning, the Marauders had to get three outs without giving up a run and were able to do it so the Marauders won their first game.

In the second game, again, the bats came out slowly.  The team that we played was better and they scored more runs in their half of the inning than the previous team.  In Evan's first at-bat, he hit a line drive down the third base line by foul.  The third baseman reached out as far as he could and somehow barely made the catch which was the only time Evan got out all day.  The next time Evan came up he doubled on a ball that rolled to the fence and wound up scoring.  Unfortunately, it was a little too late.  In the field, in the bottom of the last inning, Evan was playing second based.  He  moved to his right to back hand a ground ball.  It a little rock and shot up and hit Evan in the mouth - the same place he got hit 3 weeks ago at practice.  It wasn't as bad but his mouth was bleeding and he came out of the game.  He seems good now.

On the way home, we stopped and got Smoothie King.

When we got home, I put on the movie Independence Day for the kids.  They seemed to like it.

We got Chinese food from China Dynasty delivered for dinner and then we got dessert at Sweet Caroline's.

The boys are in bed now.  We have a game tomorrow at 8am.

Until next time...

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