Friday, April 12, 2013

No Rachel

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Rachel left for Dallas yesterday so it's just the boys at home (and Lizzy).  Because Rachel wasn't here, I had to bring Noah with me when I took Evan to school.  Waking Noah up was difficult.  He didn't want to get up and he was very cranky.  He cried and screamed the entire way walking the path into the school.  He calmed down when we got into school and then he was in a good mood the rest of the morning.

I dropped Noah off at school and worked.  When I picked him up, he still was in a good mood.

The two of us went to get Evan.  It was pretty warm out.

The boys had snacks and played while I finished up work.

Evan and I played football outside when I finished up and then we went to HEB.  I let the boys pick out something "fun" to eat at dinner tonight.  They chose a pasta that looked like brains.

Noah fell asleep while we ate dinner.  I put on Despicable Me for Evan.  Noah woke up about half way through and wanted dinner but again he was in a terrible mood.

I put the boys to bed and they are in their rooms.

Until next time...

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