Saturday, April 6, 2013

Evan's Birthday

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

This morning, I woke Evan up as usual.  He didn't seem that excited about his birthday, but he was pretty tired.

We let Noah sleep in a bit.  He's been going to sleep so late.  We took him to school and then went to Donut Taco Palace I to pick donuts up for Evan's class.  It's this little place but the donuts are really good.  Evan wanted us to bring donuts for his class at lunch.  Then we went to Sam's Club and picked up cupcakes to give out to Evan's baseball team after their game.

We came home, and dropped things off.  Then we went over to Evan's school.  Evan was very excited to see us.  All the kids wanted their donuts, but we waited a few minutes for the kids to eat their lunch.  Evan seemed to be having a good time with his friends.

Rachel had to leave a bit early to go tutor.  She picked Noah up on her way home.

Noah and I went to pick Evan up from school while Rachel went to tutor another student.  He raced his friend Jesse from the school all the way up the trail.

I worked when we got home.  Then we played Super Mario Bros and some football outside.  We came in to have dinner for the boys and then we left to go go Evan's baseball game.

His team had some great warmups and Evan was hitting well.  It translated well early in the game as his team took a big lead.  Unfortunately, the defense and hitting fell apart in the second half of the game.  Evan played well.  He had a pair of singles and he recorded an out while playing third.  But the team lost in the bottom of the 6th.  Evan was distraught.  He was really crying.  He wanted to win on his birthday.  The team sung happy birthday to him but he didn't seem to be in the mood.

During the game, Noah played with the brother of a boy on Evan's team.  Noah had a great time with him.

After the game Evan, Noah and I went to 7-Eleven for Slurpees and then we drove home.  Evan was pretty tired and after reading some of one of the books Zayde got him, he went to sleep.

Until next time...

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