Thursday, October 25, 2012

We Voted

This morning Noah, Lizzy, and I took a walk.

I made lunch for Noah and then we went to his gym class.  Morry and I dropped him off and then went to vote.  The line was really long and we barely got back in time to pick up Noah after his hour long class.  I'm glad we voted early and got that taken care of.

Noah came with me to pick up Evan from school.

The boys had their practices tonight.  I packed dinners for them to eat while they weren't practicing.  First, they went to Noah's baseball practice.  I took Evan to his football practice and then Morry and Noah met us there.  Noah stayed with Morry and Evan while I went to HEB to get some groceries.  Morry said Noah did very well at his practice today.

We got the boys ready for bed and then ate our dinners.

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