Thursday, October 11, 2012

Another Sports-Filled Thursday

This morning I went for a run.  Noah didn't want to come with me.

I made Noah lunch at home and then we went to the Little Gym for his class.  He and Cole had fun. 

From there, we went to Target to return/exchange some things.

We came home for a little bit and then it was time to get Evan. Morry had a meeting so Noah came with me to get Evan on the bike.

Morry took both boys to Noah's 5:30 baseball practice.  I got there around 5:45 and took Evan to his football practice.  Then, after Noah's practice Morry and Noah came to Evan's practice.  Noah ate his dinner at Evan's practice and Evan ate his dinner in the car on the way to practice and on the way home.

Morry and the boys are watching the Steelers game now.

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