Monday, October 29, 2012

Busy Afternoon

This morning Zayde came to drop off Noah at school.  Noah was in a good mood and seemed happy to be at school.

I went for a run with Lizzy.

Zayde and I picked up Noah from school and then came home.  Noah and Zayde played board games together.

I left for tutoring and Morry, Zayde, and Noah went to pick up Evan from school.

Evan had baseball practice tonight, but since playoff games are going on at his usual practice location they had to go to a park without lights.  They were only able to practice from 6 - 7pm.  Zayde, Morry, and Noah went to Evan's practice too.

I got home before them and got dinner ready.  We had pasta and garlic bread once they all got home.

Evan is reading to Morry and Noah is reading to Zayde. Then, they'll got to bed.

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