Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Hello everyone, this is Morry.

This morning I had to get Evan ready for school.  He needed to wear his class t-shirt as his class was going on a field trip to see the symphony for a Halloween concert.  As usual, it was easy to get him up and easy to get him to school.  He rarely gives me problems in the morning.

Noah slept until after 9am.  When he woke up he snuck down the stairs and tried to scare Zayde.  He then promptly turned off what Zayde was watching on television and put on the Wii so he could play.  I could hear him talking non-stop to Zayde.

After lunch, Rachel and I took Noah to Cole's house and then went to meet with a client.

The meeting went a bit later than we had anticipated. We came home and then Rachel left to get Noah at Cole's and Evan from school.

Rachel got home, dropped the boys off and she and I left to fill out papers to start refinancing the house.

Rachel went to tutoring, while I came home and did some work.

Noah had his first playoff game tonight.  I put Noah in his uniform and got everything ready for the game and then Zayde, Noah, Evan and I drove to the fields.  It turned out that the coach of the team that Noah's team was playing was the coach whose team knocked Evan's team out of the playoffs last year.  The coach was very shady and essentially got the win on a technicality.  Noah's coach this year was also Evan's coach so I knew that he really wanted to beat this coach.  Noah's team played very well as did Noah.  Noah ran really hard and scored twice.  He singled in both at-bats and then moved to second on errors in both cases.  He listens so well to the coaches and really pays attention.  He seemed to be really happy that the won.  He wants to go to the championship game.

We came home from the game and Rachel was preparing dinner.  She had put chicken in the crock pot earlier that day which we had but she also was getting food ready for the boys.

The boys are now in their rooms.  I think that Evan is already asleep.

Until next time...

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