Monday, October 8, 2012

Early Release

Today it was pretty cold in the morning (high 40s), but Morry and Evan still rode bikes to school.

I took Noah to school and did some work at home.

Evan had an early release day today so I picked him up at 1pm.  We rode bikes home and then left to get Noah at school.  Evan was excited to get to come to Noah's school. He doesn't normally get to pick him up.

I tutored and Gabby came over.

On my way home I stopped at HEB.  It was very busy.

We had to eat early and make something quick so we had pancakes for dinner.

Morry and Evan went to Evan's baseball practice.

Noah, Lizzy, and I took a walk.  We saw Jack and his dad outside so we stopped for a little bit. Noah and Jack played some football and then we walked back home.

Evan's practice goes until 8:30 today, so they probably won't get home until around 9pm.

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