Sunday, October 14, 2012

Family Movie Night

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Early this morning, maybe around 5 something, I was awakened by the sound of thunder and the pouring rain.  After seeing how bad the fields looked because of the rain during Evan's game yesterday, I thought to myself that poor Noah's game was going to be cancelled.

When I got up in the morning it was sunny.  Evan and Noah were up playing with each other.  I held out a slim hope that maybe the fields would dry enough.  Unfortunately, around 11am, we got an email that the fields were closed and all games were cancelled.  Noah cried when Rachel told him though he refused to admit it was because of the game being cancelled.  I'm hoping that the game will be made up.

We decided we were going to go to Sam's Club.  It's been a while since we were there and we needed some things.  Evan and Noah were very well behaved there, so we got them an Icee and soft pretzel at the end.

We came home and had lunch.  After lunch, the boys went upstairs and started the massive cleanup in the game room and their rooms.

Around mid-afternoon, Rachel had to tutor a student so she left.  On her way home, she picked up pizza at zpizza and got the movie Big Miracle from Redbox.  We ate at the coffee table and watched the movie.  The boys ate well and they seemed to like the movie. Rachel also made meringue cookies.

We just put the boys to bed, but Evan decided to come down here and is watching me type.  He wanted to show me a baseball card.  If you need to get him something small for Hanukkah, baseball cards will do the trick.

Until next time...

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