Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Swim Lessons and Wonders and Worries

This morning I ran with the boys in the stroller.

Today we had swim lesson number 3. The boys were excited to go. They both did really well at first. Then, when it was time to go to the bottom of the pool Noah got upset. After he did it, he was fine and very proud of himself. Towards the end, Ms. Kathy had the kids jumping (or being thrown) off the waterfall ledge and swimming to her. You can see it a little bit in the video. I had to throw Noah because he didn't want to jump. At the end of class I asked if they each wanted another turn on the waterfall and they both said yes.

At home we got ready for the carpet cleaning people. We ate lunch and then they came around 2pm. We got all of our carpets cleaned, the tile in the kitchen cleaned, and also our couch.

We had our last Wonders and Worries tonight. The kids got to do water games (water balloons, ...) and they had a good time.

The boys got McDonalds on the way home. When they finish eating we'll put them to bed.

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