Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Goodbye Rachel

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Rachel left for Dallas this evening after her tutoring. She'll be back on Saturday, most likely. It's just the boys and me for Thursday and Friday.

This morning, I walked Evan to school. Actually Evan ran much of the way. He'd run ahead and wait for me to catch up. He always stopped before a curve or a corner so I could see him. It's amazing because he was very tired when I got him up. Also it was especially humid this morning.

Rachel took Noah to school. He was fine this morning but gave Rachel a hard time after she picked him up from school.

Rachel left the house at 4:00 to go tutor.

On my way home, I picked up two movies from Redbox. I got Rio and Megamind. I don't have a babysitter for Noah in the morning. So I wanted to do something to keep him occupied. When I got home, we made popcorn and started Rio. Then I ordered a pizza and we ate pizza while watching it. At the end of the movie, we heard the ice cream truck so we want outside. Noah got a popsicle and Evan got a sno-cone.

After dessert, we came up and I read to the boys and put them to bed. They are in their rooms now.

Until next time...

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