Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Still doing well

Morry walked Evan to school today.

I dropped off Noah at his school at 9am.

I ran 3 miles and got some things done around the house.

After I picked up Noah we went to Bed Bath and Beyond and then drove to pick up Evan. We parked on the road across the street from the school. We had to walk just a little bit, but leaving the school was tough. Cars were backed up trying to get into the pick up area and there wasn't a way to get around them. I had to pretty much do a u-turn and go through neighborhood streets to get home. We were home only 5 minutes earlier than yesterday, when we walked.

At home I made shaved ice for the boys. The blender I have makes ice into powder and we got some snow cone syrup at Bed Bath and Beyond today. The boys loved it.

For dinner Morry grilled. He had bacon wrapped pork tenderloin and I had salmon. We also made a sweet potato and a baked potato. Guess who had which?

Evan kept insisting that Morry wanted shaved ice tonight. Really, Evan just wanted it again. So, I made shaved ice for all of us tonight. The boys ate all of theirs.

Evan and Noah are supposed to be in bed now. At 8:30 we are turning out the lights.

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