Monday, August 1, 2011

Pink Eye

During the middle of the night Noah was crying his eye hurt. This morning when he woke up his eyes were really goopy.

I called the doctor and got a 10am appointment. It turns out he has pink eye - the very beginning of it. I'm glad we caught it early. He has drops we need to put in his eyes for the next few days. That's it. It's not too bad.

At 12:30, Noah's new teacher, Ms. Kathy came by the house. They spent a lot of time in Noah's room. Noah wanted to show her his Geo Trax.

After she left, I took Evan over to Benjamin's house for a play date. I offered to get him around 3:30, but Benjamin's mom said they were having a great time and asked if I could pick up Evan at 6.

At 6:00 I picked up Evan and then we had dinner at home. I had a veggie burger. Morry had a hamburger. The kids had their various kids foods.

After dinner we went to Blizzy's for shaved ice.

The boys have been put to bed, but they are still playing around in their rooms.

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