Sunday, August 28, 2011


Hello everyone, this is Morry.

On Friday, when Evan and I were walking to school, I asked him what he wanted to do this weekend. He said he wanted to go bowling. We figured Sunday morning was probably the least crowded time to go. The boys were very excited to go. They got dressed when I asked them without arguing with me.

Rachel, of course, found coupons for free games. They allowed us to use as many as we wanted. So we bowled for just the cost of the rental shoes - a total of $10. The boys did very well bowling. They can each carry the ball themselves this time and put it on the line. We even taught them how to put their fingers in the holes properly. Evan probably could have bowled with one hand but he felt more comfortable bowling with two. Rachel had the game of her life getting a turkey (three strikes in a row). Ironically, on the 10th frame, the power went out to the hole bowling alley. I told her that she hadn't won then. But the power came back on. They were fixing some lanes and probably either blew a circuit or cut the power to the whole alley rather than the stuff they were working on.

We came home and the boys played and then we had lunch. Before lunch, some kids from the neighborhood came selling cookie dough. I was paying for it and they saw our air hockey and foosball tables. Evan, Noah and the two boys played air hockey together. Everyone seemed to have fun.

This afternoon, I did work on the computer while the boys "rested" in the game room.

For dinner, we just made pasta because it was quick. The kids had baths and now are in their rooms getting ready for the second week of school.

Until next time..

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