Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Star Wars Pancakes

This morning Noah slept late. I let him sleep in so we were a little late to school. I thought he needed his sleep.

Drop off went fine.

While the boys were at school I took a walk with Lizzy and then got some stuff done around the house.

After picking up the boys we went over to Wonders and Worries. They help children who have/had parents with cancer. I know it's been a little while since I finished chemo but I thought they could help with some of the behavioral problems we are having, especially with Noah. I talked to someone while the kids played with the many toys they had there. They have all kinds of classes and group/individual sessions that focus on expressing feelings and dealing with anger etc. We might go back in a few weeks and try it out.

I tried putting Noah down for a nap when we got home but he didn't sleep.

For dinner we had Star Wars pancakes. Melissa and Jordan gave Evan Star Wars pancake molds. Evan has been constantly asking us when we can make them. So, Morry made them tonight for dinner for the kids. We had regular pancakes.

Noah has not been tonight. He wouldn't listen and wouldn't clean up. Once we gave the boys bath we put Noah right to bed. He's been crying/whining ever since. Morry is reading to Evan now.

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