Monday, May 9, 2011

Hat Hero

This morning it took us a long time to leave the house. I had everything in the car ready for our walk around the lake, but we didn't leave until about an hour after that. The whole morning Noah was acting like he needed to go to the bathroom, but he wouldn't go. I didn't want to get in the car and have him throw a fit because he needed to potty. I also didn't want to have him pee on the side of the trail like he does sometimes. I told him we would not be leaving until he went potty. He wouldn't go, so finally I told him we would just drop him off at Clubhouse for kids and then we would go to the lake without him. He still wouldn't potty. He threw a fit and I got him in the car. As we go tot he corner of our street he finally decided he would go potty. I had to quickly get him back in the house and to the restroom while Evan and Lizzy waited in the car.

At the lake the little Zilker Park train passed in front of us. On the train, a woman's hat flew off and I could see it was a hat decorated by a kid that said "Mom" on it. I quickly parked the stroller. Ran and got the hat and somehow caught up with the back of the train. It wasn't going that fast, but still at a pretty good pace. I handed the hat to the people sitting in the very back of the train so they could give it to the woman. Lots of people around were making comments about how fast I sprinted.

I was going to let Lizzy swim at one point, but saw the snake again. We went to a different part of the trail so she could swim.

This afternoon Gabby came and I tutored.

For dinner we had chicken in the crock pot.

The boys are playing upstairs now and we'll get them ready for bed soon.

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