Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Fixing the House

Morry worked from home this morning. A handyman came over around 7:30am to do some projects around the house.

The boys and I went to get the oil changed and then did some shopping. Evan needed clothes for our Chicago trip.

Evan and Noah were very good while we were doing our errands.

While I was making lunch the boys were outside in the backyard. Evan came in very excited and said something about a bird smiling at him. I wasn't sure what he was talking about. Then, he said he very carefully petted the bird with 2 fingers. That's when I ran outside. Lizzy was straddling a little bird. She wasn't playing with it, just watching. It was just sitting there. I gave the boys a talk about touching wild animals and then we thoroughly washed hands.

Morry said Gabby knew exactly what kind of bird it was. She said it is a baby dove. She could tell because it didn't have it's head feather. The bird can only fly a little because it's so young. So, I guess now we need to keep an eye on it and hope the mother bird will take care of it.

Today was my late night of tutoring.

Morry and the boys had dinner at home together.

I got home a little after 8pm. Morry had put the boys to bed, but of course they are still awake and playing right now.

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