Monday, May 23, 2011

Second Place

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Today was Evan's championship game in tee ball. I was nervous all day, but I don't think Evan was. He knew that the game was the "championship" game but I don't think he really knew what that really meant.

Evan did not get up when I was going to work. It was good because he was still up as I was in bed. You would have thought after his big weekend this weekend he would have gone to sleep earlier.

Rachel and the boys stayed home today. They just took it easy which was a good thing since they needed rest. They were both kind of cranky in the morning. As usual Evan was torturing Noah to get him to whine and cry. Evan got on the phone with me at work to tell me that Noah was a whiner and that he told Noah that Noah was a whiner - which undoubtedly caused Noah to whine more.

When I got home, I heard the boys in their bathroom playing with the faucet. I went upstairs and got them to stop. I also noticed Rachel had been trying to nap but I imagine it was nearly impossible to nap with the boys being so loud.

I got Evan ready and took him to the baseball field for the game. Rachel and Noah got there just as the game was starting.

Unfortunately their team lost in the bottom of the 6th inning. Each half inning is played until 5 runs are scored or 3 outs are made. Heading into the top of the 6th, the Rockies (Evan's team) were leading by 2 runs. If they scored 5 runs in that inning the game would be over. But they were only able to get one run as the Mets recorded three outs, one on a groundout by Evan. In the bottom of the 6th, the Mets scored 4 runs to win the game.

Luckily, Evan was not disappointed. He got a plaque in a ceremony for the 2nd place. That was all he really wanted anyway. Some kids were crying but Evan seemed fine.

They had a pizza party after the game and Evan and Noah were happy to get pizza. When we got home the boys said they were still hungry. We had left over pizza from Saturday night so they each had another piece of pizza.

They are in bed now.

Until next time...

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