Friday, May 20, 2011


Hello everyone, this is Morry.

This morning, Rachel and Evan left for a bat mitzvah in Chicago. I had to drop them off at the airport very early. Rachel got up at 5:30am and we woke Evan up around 6:15 and Noah around 6:20. We left the house around 6:30. Rachel and Evan arrived safely in Chicago a bit before 11am.

Gabby came to the house after Noah and I returned and took care of Noah until lunch time. Blanca took care of Noah in the afternoon.

Unfortunately, he didn't nap today. He was slightly cranky when I got home.

It was Matt's 40th birthday yesterday so they were having a dinner tonight. Noah and I drove up to Matt's. First we needed to get gas. Noah fell asleep as we pulled up to the gas station and slept the rest of the way up to Matt's. He was probably sleeping for about 45 minutes or so, which was good.

He was very tired and wanted me to hold him for a long time when we go there. Eventually I put him down at the table. And eventually he ate his food.

We had a good time with Matt and Rachael. Ben was really disappointed when Evan wasn't there. We walked in and he said, sounding really upset, "Where's Evan?" and he just was staring, almost as if he was hoping Evan would emerge from behind us. I felt bad.

On the way home, it started to rain and hail. It was really raining hard. Every over pass was filled with cars and there was no room to pull over so I slowly but persistently made my way home. It felt like a very long drive.

We just spoke with Rachel and Evan. Apparently Evan had a great time playing with some kids. He didn't eat much dinner because he was too busy playing with the kids.

Noah is now in his room but not sleeping.

Until next time...

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