Saturday, May 21, 2011


Hello everyone, this is Morry.

This morning, Noah woke up around 8:30 or 9. He just came into my room, climbed into bed and went back to sleep. We both got up around 10.

We came downstairs and I got cereal for Noah and did some things around the house. I also had promised Noah we'd go to see Rio. I was trying to figure when and what theater we'd go to see it. I had given Noah a bunch of options for what we could do today and that is what he picked.

I decided where we were going to see the movie. Right before I was going to get him dressed for the day so we could get ready to go, I said he needed to drink some milk. He agreed and went to the fridge to get his milk cup out. I told him that I had to get his milk because I had washed the cup last night. For some reason this set off a meltdown that lasted nearly an hour. He wasn't destructive, he was just whining and crying and he refused to get dressed. We missed the movie due to this.

All of a sudden he got happy so I found a later time movie and put him in the car. I figured we'd stop at Chick-Fil-A or Steak n' Shake for lunch as they were both in the same shopping center. I made the mistake of asking Noah which place he'd prefer as we could see a McDonald's on the opposite side of the road. He saw that and asked to go to McDonald's. We were kind of in a rush, due to the earlier fit, so I said we needed to go somewhere more convenient. That set off another fit. I ended up remembering that in the same shopping center was a Walmart that had a McDonald's in it. We ate there.

Noah was in a good mood for the movie and he seemed to enjoy it. There was a kid sitting behind us laughing at the movie. Whenever the kid would laugh, Noah would turn around and look at him and then start to laugh himself.

After the movie, we drove home and I put Noah down for a nap. He didn't sleep at all.

For dinner, I ordered Papa John's.

I had been waiting to talk to Evan. Rachel called a few times but Evan was very busy the whole time. He was very busy playing with his cousins. Rachel said he was having an absolute blast. One of his cousin's, Benji, is 13 and Evan was having a great time with him. When I eventually talked to Evan, he really was talking a lot about Benji. Rachel said that all the older kids loved having Evan there. She said Evan was the center of attention. She said they were being very physical but she wasn't at all concerned because the older kids were very understanding that Evan is smaller and younger. She thought it was really a lot of fun to watch Evan have so much fun. They'll be coming home tomorrow. The party of the bat mitzvah is going on now. Evan said it was a sports party. I don't know what that means. But he told me he was going to play baseball there so he could practice for his season.

Until next time...

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