Sunday, January 2, 2011

Target and Closets

This morning we went to Target to pick up some organization stuff. Morry got some bins/containers for his office and I picked up some baskets to help me organize the closets in our house.

Today I was able to clean up Evan's closet and the linen closet. Here are some before and after pics.

Evan’s Closet Before

Evan’s Closet After

Linen Closet Before

Linen Closet After

While I was cleaning the closets Morry and the boys were downstairs watching the Steelers.

Morry made fried rice for dinner and after dinner he took apart Noah's crib. We have had that crib up for a long time.

We are about to put the boys to bed. Let's hope they sleep well tonight and don't give me a hard time tomorrow when Morry goes back to work.

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