Thursday, January 13, 2011

Suzi's with Aunt Susan

Evan and Noah both slept until after 9am. School starts at 9, but I let them sleep in. They needed their sleep. Evan was a little bit crabby. Once we got to school around 10am both boys seemed excited to be there and and didn't give me any trouble.

When I picked Noah up his teacher was reading the book "Going on a Bear Hunt". Noah was very interested in the book. He didn't even notice I came in. When we got to Evan's class they were finishing making igloos. Evan was very proud of his. They used sugar cubes and icing to put them together.

Blanca came at 4 and I tutored until a little after 7pm.

We met Aunt Susan for dinner at Suzi's. We had a nice time and food was really good.

We just put the boys to bed, but both are still awake.

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