Tuesday, January 18, 2011

More Stuff around the House

Evan and Noah got up a little before 9am today. Noah was not in a good mood this morning. He didn't want to get dressed. Finally he let me get him dressed as he held his breakfast (a fruit roll thing).

School drop off went well and I came home and got stuff done around the house.

When the boys got home from school they wanted to do reading and writing at their new desk. I had to clear out a space so they could get to the desk. They both liked sitting in the office at the new desk.

For nap time they both were supposed to be relaxing in the game room. Every time I went in there to check on them they were running around. I need to figure out what to do at nap time with them. Noah and Evan both need downtime in the afternoon. They don't necessarily need to sleep, but they need to have some quiet relaxation. Noah gets really cranky if he doesn't have that. I may need to start separating them at that time.

Blanca came at 3:45 and I tutored 2 students.

I got home around 7pm. For dinner we had bacon wrapped pork, quinoa, and I had salad.

We are about to put the boys to bed now.

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