Friday, January 28, 2011

Running and Running Errands

This morning I wanted to go for a run, but Noah didn't want to get dressed. So, Noah went in his pajamas in the stroller. I'm not sure whether I should fight him and get him dressed or just not fight the battle.

I took Lizzy and had the boys in the stroller. I ran 3 miles in the neighborhood.

Later, we went to Old Navy to get some winter clothes on clearance and then to the bookstore next door. Evan and Noah enjoyed playing with the trains and then they picked out a cookie to share. They always choose the same one - sugar cookie with sprinkles.

When we got home Noah actually took a nap. I put on a movie for him and he fell asleep in his room.

Morry went out to dinner with a friend so the boys and I just had dinner at home.

Morry came home around 8:15 and we put the boys to bed.

They are in their rooms, but not asleep.

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