Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pajamas Day

This morning I had to wake up Noah a little before 9am. He was very cranky and did not want to get dressed. I tried a few times, but just didn't feel like fighting. So, Noah went to school in his pajamas today. In fact, he stayed in his pajamas all day. I'm not sure if he if really learned any lesson. He got a lot of attention at school for being in his Sponge Bob pajamas. I'm worried he'll want to do that every day now.

At pick up the boys were in good moods. When we came home they played outside for a little bit and then we did reading and writing.

For nap time I put Noah in his room with the portable DVD player. He chose to watch Star Wars. He didn't sleep, but at least he had a little bit of wind down time. Evan got to watch TV in the game room as usual.

Gabby came at 4pm. I tutored and came home around 6:45.

For dinner we had flank steak and potatoes. We had to put the steak in the oven since our propane tank ran out while Morry was trying to heat up the grill. It still tasted good.

We just put Evan and Noah to bed.

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