Friday, January 21, 2011

Evan's Tummy

Last night Evan didn't eat much for dinner. Around 2am he came in our room and told me he was hungry. I got him an orange and sat in the game room with him while he ate it. He said he wanted more to eat, but I asked him to wait until the morning.

Morry left the house around 5:30am and Evan got up again at that time too. Morry gave Evan some food to eat in the game room. A little while later Evan came in our room crying that his stomach was hurting. I felt so bad for him. I offered him some Sprite or to rub his stomach but he didn't want either.

We ended up staying at home today. We had plans to go to a lunch for the Pink Ribbon Cowgirls, but Evan still wasn't feeling well. He did end up eating a little bit of lunch today.

At nap time, I tried to put Noah down, but he wouldn't nap. He was screaming and crying at his door, unplugged the monitor and night light, pulled the sheets and comforter off his bed. Eventually, I just gave up and let him go in the game room.

For dinner we all went out to eat at Mongolian Barbecue. Noah ate very well. Evan hardly had anything and was complaining a lot at dinner. He said he was cold, but wouldn't put on his sweatshirt.

When we got home Morry took Evan's temperature and he had a slight fever.

Both boys are in bed now, but not asleep.

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