Sunday, August 29, 2010

Star Wars Shoes

This morning Morry let me sleep in. While I was sleeping Morry folded the mounds of laundry that had piled up. What a good husband!

Evan really needed new shoes so we went to Stride Rite in the mall. They had Star Wars shoes, but not in his size. We had to order a pair for Evan from another store. They’ll come in the mail in a few days. Stride Rite was having a buy one get one half off sale, so we got shoes for Noah too. Noah did need new shoes. They measured him at a size 8. He was wearing size 7 shoes. Noah got light up fire truck shoes. We liked a differed pair better, but Noah said he wanted the fire truck shoes.

On the way out of the mall we got cookies and on the way home we stopped at Petco to get food for Lizzy.

We ate lunch and the put Noah down for a nap. Noah didn’t sleep.

During the time Noah was in his room. I got some party planning stuff done.

For dinner Morry made chicken nuggets and couscous. I also had some soup.

After dinner all of the boys watched some of the Steelers game.

We gave Evan and Noah baths and they are in bed now.

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