Monday, August 30, 2010

Running, Swimming, Biking

This morning I went for a run with the boys in the stroller. I ran/walked about 3.5 miles.

We came home for just a little bit. I made a smoothie for all of us and then we went to the gym. I swam and then sat in the hot tub and steam room, cleaned up and then picked up the boys in the child care. Evan and Noah had a good time at the gym. They both colored pages from a coloring book. Evan was especially proud of his Scooby Doo coloring page.

After the gym we went over to the bike shop. I wanted to talk to someone about options for taking the kids with me bike riding. The guy wasn’t sure Evan was big enough for one of those kids trailer bikes (makes like a tandem bike on and adult bike). We put him on one on the lowest setting and he seemed comfortable. The guy recommended doing that and a bike trailer rather than getting seats on the back of the bike. I didn’t buy anything, we just looked around.

It was getting late and there was a McDonalds right next to the bike shop, so I picked up lunch for the boys there.

When we got home Evan and Noah finished eating and then I put Noah down for a nap. Noah wasn’t napping and was crying a lot. I’m not sure why.

Gabby came over at 3:45 and I tutored one student.

I got home around 6pm and we got dinner started. Morry and the boys had pasta. I had a sandwich and soup.

After dinner I gave Evan and Noah haircuts on the upstairs porch.

We gave them a quick bath and now they are both it bed, though both are still awake.

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