Monday, August 23, 2010

School Tomorrow

Today was a busy day. It took us a while to finally get out of the house, but once we did, we were busy. First, I took the boys in the stroller to Town Lake. I ran, but mostly walked around the 3 mile loop. It was already really hot at 11am.

Evan and Noah were really good on the walk. We were all pretty hot so I suggested we go to the gym to swim. I had planned ahead and had everything in the car just in case.

Evan and Noah really enjoy swimming, but it is hard work. First I had to dress them and sunscreen them. They were super excited and were not always listening to me. We stayed at the pool for a while, but getting them out and dressed again was tough. They insisted on taking a shower. The whole process took a really long time.

I needed a couple of things at CVS, which is right next to the gym. On the way home we stopped at CVS. That ended up taking a while because the boys were super excited there and wanted to touch and see everything.

We finally got home around 2 something. I made them lunch and then put Noah down for a late nap.

I had wanted to go to HEB today, but ran out of time. We needed a lot of stuff including things for school tomorrow.

When Morry got home we all went over to HEB and did a huge shopping trip. It took a long time. On the way home we picked up a pizza and breadsticks from Little Caesers.

We had a late dinner and then put Evan and Noah to bed. We’ve been getting stuff together for both of them for school tomorrow.

It will be Noah’s first day ever at school. Noah is just going from 9 -11am tomorrow. For the first day they have the 2 year-olds just coming for 2 hours. Evan will be there from 9am -1:30pm.

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