Saturday, February 13, 2010

Getting into Shape

We actually made it to the gym today. We got to 24 Hour Fitness around 10:30am to sign up for free 2 week pass. We dropped Evan and Noah off at the childcare. I took a Latin dance aerobics class and Morry lifted some weights and ran on the treadmill. I did ok in the class. I had to stop a few times to take a water break, but I made it through the whole class.

After the gym we got smoothies at Smoothie King then stopped by the movie theater to get our movie tickets for tonight.

When we got home we ate lunch and then put Noah down for a nap.

Morry took Evan to a birthday party of one of his classmates. It was at Locomotion (an indoor jumpy place). Morry said Evan had a great time and was running around with friends the whole time.

For dinner Morry made pizza and then Gabby came over to babysit. Morry and I went to see the movie Valentines Day. The theater was packed, but luckily we found 2 seats together. I enjoyed the movie. It was better than I thought it was going to be.

When we came home Gabby had put both boys to bed, but they were still awake. It seems to be quiet upstairs now.

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