Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Busy Morning with Noah

This morning Evan woke up around 8:30am and I had to wake up Noah a little before 9am so we could take Evan to school. I gave Evan breakfast and brought some breakfast for Noah in the car. We dropped off Evan at school and then went to Target. I was in the DVD section looking at DVD cases. A preview for Up was on the TV and Noah was very excited. Noah also enjoyed identifying all the movies we passed (Cloudy with a Chance of Meatbals, Cars, UP, …).

After Target Noah and I went to a Pink Ribbon Cowgirls (breast cancer group) lunch at Cypress Grill. Noah was the only kid there this time. He was really well behaved until the very end. One woman got up to leave and Noah said “bye” and blew her a kiss. All the women were in love with him. Towards the end Noah was getting kind of cranky so we left a little early.

We went home to drop off the Target stuff and get some checks to deposit at the bank.

We stopped at the bank on the way to pick up Evan.

At Evan’s classroom I let Noah walk in first. Right away Noah started calling for Evan. When Evan saw Noah he ran up and gave him a hug.

When we got home I put the boys down for naps.

Two friends of mine from Dallas wanted to buy us dinner. The plan was for them to pay for the meal over the phone and Morry would pick it up on his way home. I gave them the phone number of the restaurant and our choices, but unfortunately the restaurant wouldn’t take credit cards over the phone. I tried another restaurant and they too wouldn’t take the credit card over the phone. We ended up just ordering from the first restaurant and Morry paid with our card when he picked up the food. We’ll try to find another restaurant that will take credit cards over the phone so my friends can get our dinner on Thursday.

After dinner I tutored one student.

Morry took care of the boys and put them to bed. When I got home Evan was still getting ready for bed so I was able to say goodnight to him, although I’m sure I’ll see more of him tonight when he gets out of bed.

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