Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sunday Starbucks

This morning Riley came over at 9:45am. Evan woke up early and Noah got up a little before Riley got here. Morry and I went to Starbucks. Morry had a donut and smoothie. I had a coffee and yogurt parfait. It was nice sitting there and relaxing a little bit. When we got home we did a bunch around the house while we still had Riley there. Morry unpacked the boys’ clothes while I boxed up baby stuff to put in the attic. Morry got all the boxes and baby stuff (swing, exersaucer, etc) in the attic just in time for Riley’s mom to come and pick her up.

We ate lunch with Evan and Noah and then put them down for naps. They both slept well.

After naps we went to HEB. It was very crowded. Usually, we try to avoid grocery shopping on Sunday, but we desperately needed food in the house.

For dinner we made bacon wrapped pork tenderloin (already prepared and skewered) and couscous.

We just put Evan and Noah to bed.

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