Saturday, August 1, 2009

The AC

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Last night, we realized that our thermostat downstairs was blank. It is not battery operated so I went around trying to figure out if I could fix it. I flipped the breakers in the house, outside the house. I took off the thermostat downstairs and brought it upstairs and put it on the upstairs one and it worked. Then I brought the upstairs one downstairs and it didn't work so I knew there was something electrical. We called the AC people last night to schedule a call. We were told that they'd call back "in 5 to 10 minutes" but we didn't hear from them.

So, of course, at 7:30am, they called back. Rachel and I were going to try to sleep, but Evan then knew we were awake. The guy had me go up in the attic and make sure the switch to the furnace hadn't been flipped. I told him no one had been up there, but he said that "coons" could be in the attic. The switch to the furnace was on.

We got downstairs and Rachel made Evan green eggs and ham. I had to go into work for an hour or so to help buy tickets to the AC/DC concert in Austin. That's one of the ways we get our tickets to sell. I think all of us were able to buy over 100 tickets.

When I got home, Rachel said that Evan and Noah had been tough. Noah requires a lot of attention. If you aren't watching him, he'll go into the fridge. He's figure out the door things so he can get into the office downstairs and play with the printer or he can open the bathroom door. In a matter of seconds he will almost always be into something that you don't want him playing with. He's quick. I guess he had been getting into a ton of stuff while Rachel was making some phone calls to cancel with Verizon once and for all.

After lunch we put the boys down for naps. Since both boys got up early, they really needed naps and both went down without a fight. They both slept a long time.

The AC guy finally showed up after we put the boys down for out naps. He was very nice and was able to fix it fairly quickly. Apparently, some animal chewed on the copper wires outside and that cause a short which blew the transformer in the attic. We needed a new wire outside and a new transformer.
For dinner, we went to Alborz. Both boys really like it there. Evan loves tabouli. He kept calling it "chipotle" like the restaurant (or I guess the Mexican-style of food). He ate a ton of it. He also ate the Persian flatbread. Noah also did very well. He doesn't eat much these days but he ate very well.

On our way home, we stopped at Petco. Lizzy needed food and that's where they sell it. Both Evan and Noah get so excited when we go there. They love looking at the fish, the mice, the birds, and the guinea pigs. Noah was walking as fast as he could. When he walks fast, he gets this determined look on his face. It's really cute.

Both boys are in bed right now.

Until next time...

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