Friday, August 28, 2009

Another Busy One

This morning Evan got up early while Morry was getting ready for work.

At 10:30 we went to the JCC for Tot Shabbat. They were having a clothing swap. You bring in clothes your kid/s no longer wears and maybe get some other clothes they can wear now. I brought a big bag of stuff. Most the stuff there was for babies or small toddlers, but I did get a few size 3 and 4 stuff for Evan.

After the JCC we went to get an oil change and inspection. Morry met us there and then we went out to lunch. We ate at Zuzu’s across from Morry’s work. After lunch Morry dropped us off at the car place and we had to wait a while. Evan and Noah were good considering we were there for a long time.

Then, we went to Evan’s school. There was an open house from 2-3 for the kids to come see their new classrooms. School starts next week. Both Evan and Noah had a great time playing in Evan’s new room.

We came home and I put the boys down for naps. They both slept.

While they were napping a tv repairman came by. Our tv will occasionally freeze. Luckily, it froze while he was here. That never happens. Whenever you have a problem and someone comes to fix it, it always seems fine. Anyway, he took some notes, and will hopefully come back next week to fix the tv.

I packed food for the boys and we left the house around 6pm to meet Morry, Matt, Ben, and Molly for dinner at Phil’s Icehouse. Evan and Noah had a great time playing on the playground, but they didn’t eat much.

We just put the boys to bed. Evan is still up.

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