Friday, August 14, 2009

Dog Park

This morning Evan slept until about 8:45 and Noah slept until almost 11am. I was so glad they both slept well.

This morning I took Evan, Noah, and Lizzy to the dog park. I was trying to think of something fun that all of them would enjoy. I packed up some food for us to eat there. It had been a while since we were at the dog park. Lizzy definitely remembered it. As soon as we got to the parking lot she started whining.

We walked around the park. Evan and I threw the ball to Lizzy in the water. We stopped at one point and sat on a bench to eat snacks.

On the way home the boys ate more snacks and then at home they had popsicles.

Evan and Noah both took naps this afternoon, but at different times. I put them both down around 1:30. Noah went to sleep right away. Evan played in his room and was making noise. Finally, around 3:30 Evan had fallen asleep at his gate. I was about to take a nap when Noah woke up and started making noise.

We went to Abuelo’s for dinner. We had a coupon. If you sign up for the Abuelo's email list, you'll get a coupon for a free entree (when you buy another entree and 2 drinks). Evan and Noah were very good at the restaurant.

We just gave the boys baths and put them to bed. Let’s hope they sleep well tonight.

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