Sunday, August 23, 2009


This morning Evan came in our room at 6:45am. Morry got Evan set up and went back to sleep for a little bit. I was able to sleep in this morning. Morry took care of the boys and let me rest some.

For lunch, we took the boys to McDonalds. Morry said they had been really good this morning. Also, we didn’t feel like making lunch.

Evan and Noah did really well at McDonalds. Evan ate his nuggets, the apples, cookies, and apple juice. Noah just ate a few French fries and some apples. After we ate we went outside on the playground. Every time Evan disappeared in one of the tunnels, Noah would call out for him. There was another boy there a few years older than Evan. Evan followed the boy around everywhere.

When we got home we put they boys down for naps. They both slept well.

For dinner we had Asian pasta. Evan ate some macaroni and cheese. Noah ate a little bit of mac and cheese.

After dinner Morry took Evan and Noah outside in the backyard while I cleaned up. While they were out there Evan hit the baseball over the fence into our neighbor’s yard (Dingo’s family). Morry took the boys over to their house to get the ball back. Morry said when they went in their backyard Evan ran over and started playing on their playscape. And when they walked through the house Evan wanted to touch and see everything.

Evan and Noah are upstairs in their rooms, but neither one is asleep yet.

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