Thursday, August 27, 2009

Busy day of Shopping

Evan woke up at 7:20am today, a littler later than normal. Morry had already left the house for work so I got Evan set up in the gameroom.

Once the boys were fed and dressed we went to Southpark Meadows for some shopping.

First, we went over to Marshall's. I tried to find a printable coupon for Marshalls before we went out there, but didn't have any luck. At the store I was able to get 2 cute sandals for Evan and Noah for just $15. They both have really wide feet and we normally have to shop at higher end stores like Stride Rite. I was really happy to find these cheap and cute shoes that also fit their feet. I went there looking for dress shoes for Evan, but didn’t have any luck.

Then, we went to Carters. Almost everything in the store was on sale. Sweatshirts were 60% off. Most of the other items I bought were at least 50% off as well. Then, I hit the clearance rack and found a few shorts for $1.50! Evan and Noah had a great time playing with the toys in the store while I shopped. For most of the time we were the only customers in there. I brought my $10 off $50 printable coupon. My total was going to be over $100. I saw a coupon for 20% off but it expired 8/25. I thought I might as well ask, and sure enough the checker allowed me to use it. Yea!

Then we went to Target and of course I had a bunch of coupons there too.

The boys were very good while we were shopping. It was a successful trip.

At home they ate a little bit for lunch and then I put Evan and Noah down for naps. They both napped. Noah slept for 2 hours and Evan slept for 3 hours.

For dinner we had pork tenderloin and mashed potatoes.

After dinner we introduced Evan to his new behavior chart. I got posterboard at Target the other day and finally today I was able to make the chart. We will reward him with stickers and take them away if he misbehaves. After a certain amount he will get certain rewards. His first reward will be a trip to Target (or wherever) to pick out a matchbox or hot wheels car. He needs to get to square 26 to get the car. Evan earned 2 stickers today. We’ll see how this goes.

I’m about to go out with Alissa. We’ll go downtown for a little bit.

Noah is in bed now and Evan is still up. Morry’s in his room now trying to get him to sleep.

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