Sunday, June 14, 2009

Soccer and Oasis

This morning Evan had soccer. He did better this time than last. He paid attention most of the time. He got a little distracted. They have video games there and he kept wanting to play on the video games.

After soccer we went to eat lunch at Chuy’s. Normally, it’s really crowded, but we only had to wait a few minutes for a table. Evan was very cranky there and was hanging on Morry. Once he ate he did better.

We came home and both boys took good naps.

For dinner we decided to go to Oasis. On the way there we drove through McDonalds to get food for the boys. It was a little hot at first at Oasis, but once the sun started going down it was very nice. We heard The Brew (salsa music). Evan danced a little with Morry and me. Evan and Noah ate very well. Evan ate 5 nuggets and Noah had 3 along with lots of other food.

It’s late. We just got the boys to bed. Let’s hope they sleep well.

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