Tuesday, June 9, 2009

More Potty Training and School

At 5:37am and 6:37am Lizzy was whining at the back door. Morry let her out the first time and I let her out the second. Morry said she just ran around the backyard when he let her out. When I let her out she did go to bathroom.

Then, Evan woke up at 6:42 and was up for the day. We let him go in the game room and I tried to sleep some more.

Evan had school today. I put a diaper on him since he really isn’t potty trained yet. I told the teachers we were trying potty training and to see if he wanted to sit on the potty. They said he didn’t want to go on the potty today.

When I picked Evan up, he was very excited to see Noah. Evan ran up to Noah and gave him a kiss.

When we got home I let Evan and Noah play a little and then put them down for naps. Evan would not nap. I watched a movie with Evan downstairs while Noah napped.

When I brought Evan downstairs I put his underwear on him and started giving him Cool-aid. Evan did great tonight. He did not have any accidents and went on the potty a few times.

At one point when Morry and I were making dinner I heard Evan go in the bathroom. We went to check on him and he got on the potty and went to bathroom all by himself. It was very exciting.

I hope we can keep this up tomorrow.

For dinner we had spaghetti and salad.

We just put Evan and Noah to bed and it seems to be quiet. I hope Evan sleeps better tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Evan is growing up!! It sounds as though he is on the cusp of putting away his diapers and earlier Morry reported that Evan insisted on using a fork. Pretty exciting stuff.
