Sunday, June 14, 2009

Party, Potty and a Date

Hello everyone, this is Morry. It's my night to write the blog.

Luckily this morning, Evan did not start crying at 6:30 like he had all week long. That's probably because I didn't have to get up and shower so it was still quiet in the house. However, I heard him get up at 7:30 but he remained quiet. Around 9, he started banging things and making noise. When Rachel and I came out of the room, Evan had somehow gotten his gate open and was playing very nicely in the game room. He and I played some more in the game room while Rachel got ready.

Rachel went downstairs to start getting breakfast ready to so we could get to Sebastian's 3rd birthday party. I got dressed, got Evan dressed, and got Noah up and ready.

At the Sebastian's party, Evan quickly made friends with a little boy named Nicholas who is about a month older than Evan. They ran around together the whole party. It was really nice to see Evan make friends so quickly and easily. They had a pinata and Evan got to hit the pinata two separate times. He definitely didn't hit it as hard as we know he could have. I think Evan had 3 or 4 lollipops at the party. Both boys had cake and ice cream as well. And Noah had most of my lemonade.

After the party, we ran over to Sam's Club to pick up the order we had placed and then went to HEB to get some fruit and stuff for Rachel's parents who were coming in the afternoon. Evan said he needed to go to the potty so I ran him into the bathroom, but he didn't go. We washed hands, came out and found Rachel and Evan told me this time he really had to go. So we rushed back into the bathroom, but still nothing.

When we got home, though, Evan did immediately go and pee. A little while later he went and pooped without anyone asking him if he had to. It's just about safe to say that Evan is pretty well potty-trained. We have to get thru naps and night time but he hasn't had an accident since Monday and he's going without us reminding him.

We put the boys down for naps and I read as much as I could read about the Penguins winning the Stanley Cup last night. In case you missed it, the Pittsburgh Penguins won their 3rd Stanley Cup last night. This has been the best sports year that I can remember. The Steelers won the Super Bowl, Villanova made it to the Final Four and the Penguins won the Stanley Cup. Maybe the Pirates can pull off some sort of miracle?

While the boys were napping, Rachel's parents arrived. Shortly after their arrival, Noah woke up. We brought him downstairs and he was glad for all the attention. I think he was also glad that he was free to play with anything that he wanted without Evan telling him what to do or yelling at him for playing with something or taking toys away from him.

Evan slept for 3 hours and then I went upstairs and got him up.

Rachel and I went out to dinnner at the Melting Pot while Grandma/Lynn and Papa/Lenny took the boys to the Waterloo Ice House. It was a sort of belated anniversary dinner for us. After dinner we went to see The Hangover. It was pretty good.

Grandma/Lynn text messaged Rachel with a picture of Evan at the Waterloo during dinner. He was on the stage shaking maracas with the band that was playing. Apparently the band announced that they needed help and Evan was the first kid to go on the stage. He played with the band for two songs. It sounds like everyone had a nice night.

Until next time...

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