Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Back to School

I had to wake Evan up at almost 9am this morning.

Evan went back to school today. It had been a while since he was there, but he did great. No problems. He seemed happy to be there.

Noah and I came back home. I grabbed Lizzy and we went for a run. I ran about 2 miles.

Then, I spent a little time at home making a grocery list and getting coupons together. Noah and I went to HEB. We needed a lot of stuff. I was there for over an hour, and Noah did very well. He ate an apple while sitting in the shopping cart. He looked really cute biting into a whole apple. My coupon clipping and organizing paid off. We saved $33.19 in coupons today.

After HEB, we went right to Evan’s school to pick him up.

We came home and Evan and Noah played while I got the groceries put away and started dinner. I decided to make stuffed chicken. You sauté cut up carrots and celery, lay it on chicken breast and then roll them up. The longest part is preparing the veggies so I wanted to go ahead and get that done.

I put the boys down for naps around 2:30. Noah napped, but Evan did not.

After a while I let Evan come downstairs and he watched Robots while I finished getting dinner ready.

Morry came home and we ate the chicken with French bread and roasted garlic.

After dinner we went over to Bernardo and Gabriela’s house (our neighbors behind us). It had been a while since we had seen them. Evan and Noah enjoyed playing with Sebastian and his toys. Evan and Noah started getting cranky so we came home and put them to bed.

Evan threw a little fit at bedtime, but he seems to be quiet now.

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