Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Smoke Detectors

Last night our smoke detectors went off at two different times during the middle of the night. It’s so annoying. They went off for just a few seconds each time. We had someone come and look at them before when this happened. He said that the smoke detectors have motion sensors and if a bug gets in there it will set it off. That’s most likely what happened last night. We have no idea which smoke detector is was. Because of the baby monitors it makes it even harder to tell where it is coming from. Luckily it didn’t seem to bother Evan and Noah. I’m sure they woke up, but just went back to sleep. It made Lizzy really nervous though.

I was really tired this morning.

Evan and Noah slept until almost 10am. They really needed the sleep.

Yenis and Kevin came over around 10:30 and then we went to the Hill Country Galleria. The kids played in the spray water fountain and then we sat at a table and had snacks. Noah did not really play in the water fountain. He didn’t want to get wet for some reason. Evan and Kevin had a great time though.

When we got home I made a smoothie. Noah drank his pretty quickly so I filled his cup with more. Somehow he managed to get the top off the cup and spilled the whole thing on the carpet.

Evan and Noah took good naps today.

When they woke up I put Sesame Street on for them so I could make dinner.

Morry got home a little after 6:00. We ate pasta salad and then drove to the mall. Morry needed more nice clothes for work. Before leaving I printed out coupons. We got a 15% coupon for Old Navy and a free cookie at The Great American Cookie. Noah was a pain at the mall. He didn’t want to be in the stroller and he was very fussy. He was throwing a fit at the cookie counter. He really wanted a cookie. We let Evan and Noah eat their cookies in the car.

We left the mall around 9 and got home and put the boys to bed. Hopefully they sleep well tonight and hopefully the smoke detectors don’t go off again.

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