Friday, June 12, 2009

JCC, Boats, and Spaghetti

Evan got up early again. He was up around 6:30am.

This morning I took Evan and Noah to the JCC. Noah seemed to really like the music during Tot Shabbat. Evan like the challah.

After the JCC we met Morry for lunch since he works by there now. We ate at Kneaded Pleasures. I was able to find a coupon and we got a buy one get one free sandwich. Evan and Noah did well there and we had a nice lunch. During lunch Evan said he needed to go potty. Morry took him to the bathroom and Evan peed in the urinal! He was very excited to tell me about it.

Then, we went to Morry’s work to get the tour of the office. Noah must have liked what he saw because he was very loud there. He kept squealing and yelling.

Not too far from where Morry works there is a boat ramp to the lake and a neat bridge. I took the boys there. Evan and Noah liked going over the bridge and watching the boats.

At home, both boys took good naps. I put Evan in a diaper for nap time.

After naps, I went upstairs to get Evan. He had taken off his diaper, threw it away, put on underwear, and got dressed! His pants and underwear were backwards though.

Morry got home and we went out to dinner. We ate a Spaghetti Warehouse, which we also had a coupon. We had a buy one get one free dinner. Today was the day of coupons. We ate our dinner inside the trolley. Evan loved that. Evan and Noah were very well behaved. Evan went potty in the urinal twice while we were there.

As we were leaving the restaurant there were a ton of motorcycles outside. The Motorcycle Rally is going on this weekend here. We watched all the motorcycles for a little bit.

Morry’s watching the hockey game and Evan and Noah are playing with toys. In a few minutes we’ll put them to bed.

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