Monday, March 30, 2009

Walk, HEB, and Walk

Last night when Morry was going though some of his stuff he found Simpson's Shrinky Dinks that he got a few years ago. This morning Evan and I made some Shrinky Dinks. We colored a Bart Simpson and I also wrote his name for him to color. He enjoyed watching the Shrinky Dinks curl up and shrink, but after that he wasn’t too interested.

This morning we walked around the neighborhood. It was a little cool and we felt a few rain drops, but it never actually rained.

After the walk we went to HEB. I let Evan walk while Noah sat in the cart. Evan kept asking for samples and he knew exactly where to go. They normally have samples in the bakery and deli area. There weren’t many samples out today, but they did have some apple streusel thing that both boys ate. Evan also had some chunks of cheese samples and crackers in the deli section. The boys were good while I shopped. I got what I needed and saved $10 in coupons.

After HEB we came home and ate lunch. Evan didn’t eat much. All he ate was Alphabits cereal we bought at HEB today. He had 2 bowls – one without milk and one with. At least he ate something.

Evan and Noah took good naps.

While they were napping I gave Lizzy a trim. She was getting pretty fluffy.

Evan and Noah woke up around the time Morry came home.

For dinner we had HEB sliced turkey breast and an Asian pasta boxed dinner thing. We ate outside again.

After dinner we went for another walk. This time Evan rode his bike. At the start of our walk we saw Billy and Jan (our neighbors) outside so we talked to them for a little while. Then, we walked around the block.

The boys are playing and when I finish the blog we’ll go upstairs to put them to bed.

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