Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Ikea with Nolan and Court

I dropped Evan off at school around 9am. I packed his lunch because I wasn’t sure if he’d be at school the whole time or if we’d meet up with Sherah and family.

When I got home I talked to Sherah and we made plans to meet at Ikea around 11:30. They have kid’s activities and super cheap lunches there all week for Spring Break.

I picked Evan up from school at 10:45. We arrived at Ikea around 11:20. Aunt Susan, Sherah, JW, Noah, and Court had just gotten there too. When we walked in they were handing out green balloons and I put one of Evan’s wrist. He was having a great time playing with it and hitting it. We started walking through the store. It was just a few minutes later and all of the sudden, Evan’s balloon popped. He seemed very surprised. I wasn’t sure if he was going to cry. But, he was ok. We all just kind of laughed about it. I think Evan still wasn’t quite sure what happened. Evan was doing very well walking and staying by the stroller. We stopped in the kid’s section and all of the boys had a great time playing. There was a train set, neat kinds of chairs, tents, a see-saw, … We spent a lot of time in that area.

Then, we went over to the restaurant. We sat down at a big table and I gave Evan his school lunch I had made for him while I fed Noah some applesauce. They were selling kid’s meals for $.49. I bought 3 meals (for Noah, Evan, and I to share) and a soft drink. The whole thing cost less than $4. I ended up eating most of the food. I ordered meals with meat balls, plain pasta, vegetables, and macaroni and cheese. Evan ate some, but Noah mostly threw it on the floor.

After lunch Evan wanted his face painted so we went to stand it line. The line was really long and there was only one person painting faces, so I asked Evan if he would rather go to the park. Of course, he said yes.

We made our way though the rest of the store (which takes forever – they make you walk through the whole store to leave). I bought a few things, so we checked out and went to the park/playground across the parking lot from Ikea.

As we were leaving I thought I recognized Yenis’s car.in the parking lot. I called her and that was their car and they were in Ikea. Yenis told me Kevin said he saw Evan, but Yenis tried to tell Kevin it must have been someone that just looked like Evan.

At the playground the kids had a fun. It was pretty hot and getting close to nap time, so we didn’t stay that long.

On the way home we hit traffic – unusual for that time. Near Mopac and William Cannon they had both directions of Mopac closed and everyone had to get off the highway by driving through the grass. It was a mess. I later found out it was because of fallen power lines.

We didn’t get home until 3:00pm and they boys took great naps. They were exhausted.

For dinner we had already cooked roasted chicken that we just had to heat up in the oven. We had pasta as a side.

After dinner we went to Target.

The boys went to bed late tonight. We just put them to bed around 9:30.









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