Thursday, March 12, 2009

Errands and Cleaning

It was another rainy and cold day.

After I dropped Evan off at school I took Noah to Target and Old Navy. I got a coupon today for 30% off at Old Navy. I was just there the other day. Since it wasn’t too far out of my way, I took the clothes back, returned them, and then bought them again for the 30% off. I also got a few other things.

Noah took a nap when we got home. I had to wake him up to feed him lunch.

At school Evan gave me a fake roll and a tub of empty cream cheese he had been playing with. I put Noah on the floor so I could sign out Evan. Noah started playing with the cream cheese container and was very upset when I had to take it away when it was time to go.

We got home a few minutes later Blanca came over to help me out. I had a lot of stuff to do around the house so I asked her to come today. She stayed until about 2:45 and then I put Evan and Noah down for naps. I don’t think Noah ended up sleeping. For about 45min to an hour he was playing in his room, but then he started crying hysterically. As soon as I picked him up he was fine. I couldn’t get anything done after that. Whenever I would put him down he’d start crying again. The only way he would stop crying completely was if he had my full attention.

We had stuffed chicken for dinner. I got it ready while Blanca was here. I sautéed chopped carrots and celery, and rolled it up in the chicken breasts. We have made it a few times. This time I used the food processor to chop up the vegetables and it was so much easier.

After dinner Evan played with his GeoTrax for a little bit. Evan was being cranky and fought going upstairs. He lost his book privilege tonight.

Evan and Noah are in bed now and it sounds quiet up there.

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